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You're So Smooth: A Paving Blog

Once you have a paved driveway, you'll wonder how you ever got by without one. Pavement is so much easier to sweep in the summer and to shovel in the winter. It does not require a lot of maintenance, and it won't leave debris in your yard like a gravel driveway. Most people hire professionals to install pavement in their yard, but you should still know the basics. On this website, you will find information about choosing a paving contractor, designing a driveway, and applying sealant to your pavement. You'll also learn about common terms that paving contractors use when discussing projects.


4 Ways To Extend The Life Of Your Commercial Asphalt Parking Lot

If you have a commercial asphalt parking lot, it is important to know how to take proper care of your parking lots. A well-maintained parking lot can last for a few decades. A good-looking parking lot will also help improve the curb appeal of your business.

1. Clean the Parking Lot

The parking lot may be outside, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't take care of it. It is important to clean your parking lot regularly. You can clean your parking lot with a water hose or a pressure washing machine.

Cleaning your parking lot will help to remove debris, which can sit on your parking lot and cause water to pool up. In addition, vehicles can drip fluids on your parking lot, which can break down the asphalt. Cleaning your parking lot regularly will allow you to deal with these two hazards.

Additionally, by cleaning your parking lot, you will remove dirt that builds up in small cracks, making the cracks easier to see, identify, and treat.

2. Regularly Fill Cracks

You don't want to allow cracks to develop in your parking lot. You will want to work with a commercial asphalt paving service to come out and fill in the cracks in your parking lot regularly.

For example, you could have them come three or four times a year to patch any cracks in the asphalt parking lot. Filling cracks when they are small will prevent them from spreading and damaging your parking lot.

3. Yearly Sealcoating

You will also want to work with a commercial asphalt paving service to provide you with sealcoating. Sealcoating is a protective coating that helps maintain your parking lot's structural integrity and keeps moisture from getting into your parking lot. It will also help reduce damage from vehicle fluids. However, before sealcoating, you should always fill in cracks; if you don't, the cracks will eventually reappear.

4. Get Regular Inspections

Finally, you are going to want to get your parking lot regularly inspected for damage. You want to keep an eye on things such as standing water that can lead to potholes. Keeping an eye on your parking lot will allow you to identify issues before they get bigger.

If you have a commercial parking lot, it is your job to clean the parking lot and inspect it regularly. You will also want to work with a commercial asphalt paving service to fill in cracks throughout the year and sealcoat your parking lot; these two crucial steps will allow you to get decades of use from it.